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Week 6 Lets get Started !

Céleste Langrée

Monday 1st of June

I had a good weekend, but we are back in the groove this morning.

The mood of week 6 is starting good. I have a lot to do though and it doesn't get easier.

Over the weekend, I worked on the butterflies. Painted them, cut them out, and got them all prepared for today. I put together the mechanisms for the butterflies and created the body of the woodlice cutting out a new bottle. I painted them using some black gesso. I think I will need to do a second layer tomorrow.

I am finding out that I will still have to experiment with the butterflies mechanism. Whether to have the moving action on the same finger, or on the finger next to it.

I am happy about the speed of today. I feel like I can actually get theses done in the next three weeks before moving back to Cardiff. This is reassuring.



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