Friday 12th of June

This has been a good working week. I am really pushing to get this lobster finished by Sunday so I get a whole week to paint it, and film it.
After making the claws, I took them out of their craft tape mold. And after realizing I had lost all details I molded them back on the craft tape with DAS molding clay and PVA glue. For strength I covered the whole edges with tissue paper en PVA glue.
For the body I covered it with packing tape, then craft tape and tissue paper.
I then took on the head. Same method, craft tape and then DAS.
I have also casted the little parts of the arm. And then the final element, I made 8 legs out of paper and wire, covered them with craft tape and added details with DAS. A repetitive few days.

Now everything has to dry off, before I give it a coat of first base. Then I assemble everything !I am happy with the stage I am at.