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Moving into Action

Céleste Langrée

Thursday 30th of April

After yesterday's treasure hunt, I started putting together the objects I had found and creating the little videos for Louis to try the green screen.

I transformed the toothbrush into a smaller big, adding wire antennas and creating movement by pushing it down with my hand so that the brush ressembles a little bit a centipede.

I also started to do research into style, finding a lot of inspiration in images where the size of bugs had been altered and added into "real life" situations.

Today we also met with our tutors Dik and Jess for the first time. It was nice to finally meet our team. We discussed movement and shadows, and where we could focus. They recommended only focusing on one aspect of the insect such as a leg, or an eye.

We then met with our group individually and shared our progress of the day.


Here are some of my attempts with the objects I chose



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