Wednesday 27th of May

Final stretch before design sign off tomorrow. Slightly stressful. Starting to also feel very lonely here. Even with the group chats, the zoom calls etc, I am starting to see an effect on my mental health of the lack of socializing during a project. The collaboration is so important and I miss that very much. Not sure why it affected me today more than others, but as we have been able to tell throughout this whole process its constantly a roller coaster. Anyways, enough about my thoughts.
Today we had an earlier meeting, quite short, basically saying to crack on with anything for our presentations tomorrow. So thats exactly what I did, cracked on.Worked a a few bits. Tried to paint my woodlice but it did not end nicely. I tried to finalized my lobster maquette. Earlier in the morning, I chatted with Olivia on how to simplify my puppet. I think now we've managed to come up with a mechanism that could work.
The maquette I've managed to make was quickly made out of only paper and tape. It is definitely not the best maquette, but it was a good way to see how to move forward.

This one had only a pair of functioning legs, but I think I am going to have to change them. As we are simplifying it, I think the legs need less movement for sure. The maquette is mostly flat, because I am still trying to figure out how to make it.

With the three rods attached, I can move the tail and on another one, the one pair of moving legs, and the front one, I can wiggle around the claws. The maquette honestly is quite shitty, but does the work to realize a few things.
1- the body needs to be larger to accommodate 4 Pairs of moving legs
2- I need to figure out what type of joints I will use for the head and the body to be attached and then the claws and the the body.
3- How do I create the shapes of the claws and the body ?
So much to think about.
Here are a few videos of me trying to figure out how to work the maquette. It is not the best work, and I am not really happy with the maquette.