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Lists and preparation

Céleste Langrée

Thursday 28th of May

This week doesn't seem to be my week. I am letting the work and all the things I need to do overwhelm me. Decisions, concerning the virus and the lockdown situation here in France, that I need to make soon, are taking over my mind and not letting me concentrate as much as I would want to.

I know I need to carry on and not let it affect me too much. We had a design sign off today where we had to present our work. I will have put all that information in another post. As a group we have also started to really think about the hotel and have seemed to have narrowed it down to the aestethics of the Cortez Hotel from the TV show American Horror Story. I have started to do some research on it today as well.

In preparation for the next aspect of our next 5 weeks, I took a deep breath, and tried to think methodically. So I made a list of everything I need to do as it lets me see better.

Butterflies (4 butterflies and 1 BUTTERfly)

  • What are their language ?

  • Wings (are they tissue or silk paper, what color am I using?)

  • Make 5 finger bits craft tape

  • figure out attachment for rings, wings, main rod

  • side metal rods measurement and attachment

  • body of BUTTERfly - cast butter in craft tape

  • find butter paper

  • Render


  • Collect plastic bottle (Is this the best way or casting in craft paper ? )

  • try attachement with pins

  • Sample rendering on bottle

  • make body

  • make legs

  • make antennas

  • Render

Beetle John Lennon

  • Design and draw Beetle

  • Draw final one and cut it out

  • figure out mechanism with pins


  • Figure out how to make Body, Legs, Tail, and Claws. (Is it by molding and then craft tape ? Or found object ? A tube?)

  • Figure out joints - Tail to Body, Body to head (how do I make the head bobble), body to claw

  • MECHANISMs for literally everything..

  • Figure out how you want to puppeteer it with the rods.

  • Render and paint it


  • Download Adobe

  • play around and learn a little bit more

  • Start filming and editing for practice

  • Create a green screen and filming area

So yes. There is much more to be done. In 5 weeks... Keeping in mind that I have to probably move back to Cardiff at some point....

It can and it will get done.



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