When it comes to arthropods, am not the most knowledgable. In fact before this project, I would have overlooked any insect and not look twice. Now I am obsessed.

Tuesday 28th April
Day two.
Another day of research. In fact a day of getting lost in the depths of YouTube and the crazy videos about insects. Did you know house centipedes cleaned each one of their legs after their meals ? I dove into the wonderfully large world of the minuscule. I watched a crazy man get bitten by what is apparently a very dangerous millepede in America. I watched bug fighting videos to try to understand their strength...
Here are a few things I learned that characterize arthropods :
- Their articulations
- Its all in the feet
- They have a segmented body, and jointed limbs (thorax, abdomen, legs)
- Very interesting eyes
- They are bilaterally symetrical
- Their hearts is placed dorsally - an open circulatory system
In the afternoon I kept with YouTube and other sources, but this time fell into a hole of watching puppetry performances of any kind. I wanted to understand the relation of the puppeteer and the puppet, but also see a large selection of puppetry around the world. And let me tell you... its insane. Of course it started with videos of how to make paper puppets for your 5 year old, but then I watched a TEDtalk about the horse from War horse, but also Indonesian puppets, and even water puppets in Hanoï. It was not a boring day. Although I did get lost sometimes in the research and ended up watching a wonderful ballet at some point. I guess all research is interesting.
At 4pm, our group met to catch up and share our new knowledge. Learned about the coconut crabs, the largest crabs (pictured here on top of a bin). Our little group chatted bit about the next few days and how we should start exploring in 3D.
A great second day for research, I felt quite inspired.
Under the bar research in Videos, I linked some of the most interesting ones I ended up watching that day.