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Beginning of week 2

Céleste Langrée

Monday 4th of May

After a nice relaxing weekend, I attacked the week with the crab.

Crabs are interesting creatures, before this, I had no idea they were within the same family as insects. They have 6 jointed legs and two large claws that are fascinating to look at. I spent the morning watching videos about them, and analyzing their walk. Like any arthropods, there are so many kinds. I got very interested in the fiddler crab which has one large claw and a tiny one. Could be an interesting character to search into ?

During our meeting as a group we discussed character and style. We seem to be following a direction of using sketches and bits as narrative. It is very exciting as it seems that humor might be what we all need during this pandemic. Playing for examples with the number of legs they have, or their interesting sex life, or just the weirdness of their movements and their interactions (for example the praying mantis devouring her mate).


I then spend the rest of the day working on a paper puppet of a crab to work either as a shadow puppet or as more. Using some left over cardboard from a package, I drew out the shapes and roughly cut it. It definitely needs some editing on the details with a scalpel.

In preparation for tomorrow I also got sucked into a world of YouTube once again, watching how these creepy crawlies move around, walk and can be animated. I have linked the most interesting ones into the research.

Not the most productive day, but I feel prepared for tomorrow which I think will be more construction based !



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